Monday, March 15, 2010

Questions 1+2

5.) a.) Source C shows the extent of which the Chinese were limited industrially during the Great Leap Forward by including their equipment, practices, and conditions. Two workers are shown moving a large amount of cement by bucket. The bucket is attached to a wooden pole supported by the two workers. The equipment used by the Chinese during the Great Leap Forward was so outdated that most Chinese had to rely on methods used hundreds of years prior, instead of using modern equipment such as wheelbarrows. The chinese also ran short of scaffolding and were forced to use wooden tripods, which shows how badly the Great Leap Forward relied on a seemingly scarce supply of steel. All the workers depicted are not following any sort of safety regulations, not to mention on of the workers  carrying the cement appears to be an old woman.
b.) Source A explains the shortfall of grain simply to a case of unfavorable weather, making no note however, to the millions that died due to starvation. Source A is a Chinese source and thus comes with a certain amount of favoritism towards the Chinese government, making no mention of the peasant working conditions or failed policy and attributing the grain supply simply to bad weather.

6.) Source D differs from Source E because Source D places the blame of the failure of the Great Leap Forward solely on the back of unrealistic expectations, while Source E explains it as an overworking of the peasants. source C is confident that had peasants been able to keep up with demand, the Great Leap Forward would have been successful in industrializing China. Source E states that peasants were unable to keep up with demands because of a series of misfortunes that lead to the famine and starvation of up to 19 million people. Both sources agree that the Chinese government artificially inflated the yearly yields in order to give the illusion that the Great Leap Forward was successful. 

1 comment:

  1. 5 - Darius, I'm giving you a 5/5 on the first one...Good points. You don't HAVE to add outside knowledge or evaluation here; but in this case it didn't hurt you!

    6 - Break this answer down into two clear paragraphs to help the examiner clearly mark this. Your points are excellent!

    A very solid 4/6, watch the typo as you said source "C" in one instance. I'd try to make two more solid points, whether they are compares or contrasts, to secure a 6/6 on this question.

    Darius, my conservative estimate for yout total on this Paper 1 is a 19/25. That's an A+ or a 7.

    (see the next post for the details)

    You are an expert at analyzing documents and with a little more practice you'll be able to confidently walk into this Paper 1 and demonstrate that in about 50 minutes! Well-done!
