Thursday, January 28, 2010

HW 1

Three long term and three short term causes of the Chinese Civil War:

Short Term:
Increasingly poor economic stability. (Economic)
"extermination campaigns" against Communists (Political)/(Ideological)/(Social)
Warring "feudal" lords, fighting for control of China. (Political)/(Social)

Long Term:
May 4th movement: Japan was given chinese land, even after China helped the Allies during WWI (Political)
Opium Wars with Britain, a manifestation of increasing European influence in China (Political)/(Social)
Failed revolution of 1911: Instead of rise in nationalist movement, failure in domestic policy and order. (Political)/(Social)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

HW 6

1.) Japan had invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria and began overworking the inhabitants in a prewar time manufacturing.
2.) American trade was ended with Japan which made her highly aggressive.
3.) Japan sought to return to her former glory and empirical might by conquering mainland China and reestablishing herself internationally.

HW 8

A.) The sources are anonymous because of the over arching nature that the Nazis had over the media. Had anyone given their name, the Gestapo would surely had them killed. The picture of Warsaw just goes to show the extent of which German forces besieged the city. The stories were eventually published in Britain in 1940 to help draw attention to the war effort.
B.) Bombing was considered a humane part of the war effort because it was only intended to destroy buildings, but it obviously killed people too. The bombing campaign did end up killing people which would make it an inhumane attack.
C.) The constant air raids caused many Britons to fear bombings. Britons seemed to adjust their lives, just with the addition of gas masks and other equipment. It was called the Phoney War because the people didn't change their behaviour that much.

A.) Churchill offered the British people a hope after German aggression had decimated parts of England. The British were desperate for help and hope after a morale of the country had gone down.
B.) An armada is a large group of ships which implies that the effort to save all the people was much larger than it may have been. The title would have been written much differently by both the French reporter and the German reporter.

HW 9

1.) Blitzkrieg air support was used to decimate British troops, both air and ground.
German troops were aimed to invade France and immediately turn around and focus all war time energy on the Soviet Union. Because German U-Boats were so efficient at destroying American and British ships that convoys were established in order to protect the ships. Battleships were used to attack the U-Boats but radar was used only as support because it was too primitive.

HW 10

A.) Some Soviets may have welcomed the German troops because anti-semitism was not a German only viewpoint. Much of Europe felt just the same, but only the Germans acted upon it. A year later, the soviets would not have welcomed the German troops not only because of the massive casualties suffered but as well as the harsh tactics practiced by the German troops.
B.) Stalin was telling the retreating soviets to destroy all soviet infrastructure so the German troops could no gain any benefit from it. German troops coming into the area would have no natural resources to replenish their supplies.

HW 11

Warships targeted civilians ships
Atlantic occupied by U-Boats
Royal Oak sunk in 1939

Aim of Britain: Keep shipping lanes at all times
Torpedos were used by the Germans to sink ships

Sinking of the Bismarck; Germany's only battleship
Enigma code broken by Alan Turing
Air-force had limits over the sea, known as "The Black Gap"

HW 12

A.) The white cliffs are the White Cliffs of Dover in England; The ship is the HMS Hood; The sea lion is a symbol of the British navy; The sharks are the German U-Boats. The sharks are biting the sea lion, which is a metaphor for how the U-Boats would sink ships with torpedos. The cartoonist is trying to show that the British ships do not stand a chance against the U-Boats.
B.) Nazi-Soviet Pact: An agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union not to declare war on one another. Oper. Barbarossa: Hitler's invasion of Russia using 3 million troops. scorched earth policy: during Russia's retreat, they salted the earth so as German troop couldn't gain anything. Neutrality: favouring neither side; United Nations: an organisation created after the destruction of the league of nations in order to prevent war. global war:  war with more than one theatre. U-Boats: German submarines that decimated American and British ships. Convoys: groups of ships that aimed to prevent U-Boat attacks. Battle of the Atlantic: Battle ensuing between the American ships and U-Boats.

HW 13

1.) What training separates a fighter pilot and a bombing pilot?
2.) Why did you join the Air force in the first place?
3.) Do you regret anything?

Allied bombing campaigns played a large role in the destruction of the German industry. The constant bombing by both British and American troops kept Germany from mobilising the same forces seen during the Blitzkrieg.

HW 15

1. Pearl Harbor was the first attack on US soil and led to the US introduction in the war
2. Midway marked the end of the advancing of the Japanese navy
3. El Alamein was the first time British forces defeated German troops in Africa
4. Stalingrad marked the first loss of the German army at the hands of the Soviets
5. The battle of the atlantic was the US and British ships dealing with German U-Boats
6. Allied bombing of Germany was highly effective in destroying German factories

A.) second front: a war on two fronts; area bombing: Instead of a single target, bombs that target a given area; the Allies: US, USSR, Great Britain, France; Operation Torch: Allied invasion of Northern Africa

B.) The fighting in the Pacific theatre of war faced challenges in humidity, which was not an issue in the European theatre, just as intense cold was not a problem in the Pacific theatre.

HW 17

Germany was defeated by the Allies learning from their mistakes, The Axis powers took on too much, and the combined resources of the US, USSR, and British Empire. The Allies began to build up air and naval forces after the Blitzkrieg, which soon lost effectiveness. Hitler's troops were spread much too thin. Troops were located on the Western front, Eastern front, and Africa. When America became involved in the war, it could produce more tanks and aircraft a year than Germany and Japan.

HW 18

Japan was defeated in WWII largely due to the destruction of the morale caused by the dropping of the atomic bomb, the lack of raw materials and a mismanagement of resources. The destruction caused by the dropping of the atomic bombs on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were so widespread that it caused the Japanese government to surrender. The lack of raw materials was accounted for after cotton, rubber, nickel and oil supplies ran low. This may not have been fatal, but it certainly did not make things easy for the Japanese government. The Japanese had focus much too heavily on the construction of battleships instead of aircraft carries, which proved to be a naval miscalculation.

HW 19

a. 20 million
b. 6 million
c. 4.2 million
d. 388,000
e. 2.2 million
f. 2 million
g. 600,000
h. 406,000

France lost 50% of wealth
US emerges as economic superpower

Eastern Europe denied independence; annexed by Russia
widespread fear of nuclear attack

Germany divided between US, France, G. Britain and USSR
Nuremberg Trials set war crime precedent.

HW 20

France lost upwards of 30-50% of its economy
Germany subject to military alteration
German factories are destroyed

Germany faced sole blame for the war
High German inflation
Rise of Communism
Japan gives up territory in China

State of Israel created
Germany divided
     West Germany (US, France, Britain)
     East Germany (USSR)
Fear of nuclear holocaust