Thursday, January 14, 2010

HW 12

A.) The white cliffs are the White Cliffs of Dover in England; The ship is the HMS Hood; The sea lion is a symbol of the British navy; The sharks are the German U-Boats. The sharks are biting the sea lion, which is a metaphor for how the U-Boats would sink ships with torpedos. The cartoonist is trying to show that the British ships do not stand a chance against the U-Boats.
B.) Nazi-Soviet Pact: An agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union not to declare war on one another. Oper. Barbarossa: Hitler's invasion of Russia using 3 million troops. scorched earth policy: during Russia's retreat, they salted the earth so as German troop couldn't gain anything. Neutrality: favouring neither side; United Nations: an organisation created after the destruction of the league of nations in order to prevent war. global war:  war with more than one theatre. U-Boats: German submarines that decimated American and British ships. Convoys: groups of ships that aimed to prevent U-Boat attacks. Battle of the Atlantic: Battle ensuing between the American ships and U-Boats.

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