Monday, November 9, 2009

HW 27

A.) Hitler promised the German colonists a vast increase in wealth and even promised them large houses. German colonists would have been eager to give their support to Hitler after all he promised them.
B.) Foreign workers had to: work until their German employer said so; face abuse at the hands of German employers; Abortions were encouraged.

Foreign workers couldn't: had the right to complain; visit churches; attend theatres; receive vaccinations; get anything past a basic education.

The German army treated their foreign workers so badly because they blamed them for all the terrible conditions that effected Germany after WWI. They not only saw both the Slavs and the Jews as something barely above a human level, but the Germans were so convinced by Hitler's propaganda that they were the most perfect race, that they saw their actions as just.
C.) Hitler intended to destroy the capitol city of Russia, through use of aerial bombing and artillery attacks. Hitler chose to destroy Leningrad because it was the largest city in the USSR and symbolized the creation of the Soviet Union, which is why it was named after Lenin.

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