Tuesday, November 10, 2009

HW 4

Dawes Plan (1924): 
A) U.S. loan to Germany for 800 million gold marks
B) Germany's Gustav Stressman makes deal with Dawes
C) France withdraws troop from the Ruhr.
D) German economy starts to recover.
E) Starts period of prosperity 1924-1929

Locarno Treaty: The idea that collective security will work
A) Series of agreements between France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Poland, Belgium
B) Germany, France, and Belgium promise to respect each other's borders.

Germany refused to guarantee the Polish border

France promises to help Poland and Czechoslovakia if Germany attacks; Great Britain didn't make the same promise.

Kellog-Briand Pact of 1928
A) 65 nations renounce war as an instrument of National Policy
B) Useless agreement because there was no power to enforce it; no mention of sanctions.

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